About Us
The New School of Finance
We make financial decisions every single day of our lives. But, somehow, they don’t teach this sh*t in school!??!?!? WHAT? WE GOT YOU. Our DIY courses are ACCESSIBLE, AFFORDABLE and AWESOME. Each course is designed to change the way we think about our finances and empower everyone (not just the millionaires) to make GOOD financial decisions in their personal life and their biz. Learning about your money situation doesn’t have to suck… Trust. You’ll learn how to make super smart financial decisions now, next year and when you decide to pack it all in and move to Costa Rica. We know you wanna get good at the money stuff. That’s why you’re here!
We are so ridiculously passionate about financial literacy. Sure, there’s free information on the internet, but often times this information is coming to you from multiple sites that may be trying to sell you a financial products – like a mortgage, debt consolidation, mutual funds or their services. Or, the information isn’t coming from a trusted financial professional who actually deals with REAL people and their finances on a day-to-day basis. We have more access to information than ever before, yet consumer debt levels continue to rise. The abundance of information isn’t getting the job done. We think it’s an information overload. All this data with no context or insight into how it could affect your own life. With life-event based courses (i.e. Babyproofing You Finances, Don’t Get Eff’d At Tax Time, Can You Afford To Buy A Home), we aim to be the one-stop-shop where you can teach yourself the relevant and reliable information you need when you need them. We want to teach you to fish (and how to season it)…. not just give you the fish. See our FAQ page for more info

Meet Your Teacher
Shannon Lee Simmons
Shannon is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Chartered Investment Manager (CIM), media personality, personal finance expert and founder of the New School of FinanceTM.
Simmons is widely recognized as a trailblazer in the Canadian financial planning industry. She was named one of Canada’s Top 30 Under 30, the Notable Award for Best In Finance and New School of Finance won the 2016 Wealth Professional Award for Digital Innovation. She is a regular financial expert in the media and has a monthly column for Globe and Mail and is a personal finance columnist for CBC’s On the Money and Metro Morning.
Strange Quirk: Shannon has put a dollop of red nail polish on the top right of EVERY SINGLE calculator she’s ever had since high school…… why? We aren’t sure, and neither is she.